Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke3
Character Stroke5Structure左右结构
Orthography形声;从讠、义声WuBi 86yyqy
WuBi 96yyryCang JieivikSiJiao34703
Five ElementHSK Grade乙级Frequently-used常用
Fore Aft讠义Components讠义
UnicodeU+8BAEVariant Character

Stroke Number:45434

Stroke Writing:捺折捺撇捺


Basic ExplanationExample Sentence

  1. 意见,言论:~论。提~。建~。

  2. 讨论,商量:商~。会~。协~。~案。~决。~价。

  3. 评论是非,多指责备:非~。恐招物~。

  4. 旧时文体的一种,用以论事说理或陈述意见:奏~。驳~。

Example Sentence
  1. Up to this point, the initiative process had been described as a "safety valve" . Now it became an industry and a circus.


  2. The matter at hand; the point at issue.


  3. The insurance policy will be sent to you by the bank together with the other shipping documents after negotiation of the payment.


  4. A discussion concerning "will you[would] get married with a boyfriend that has no building to have no car" causes a hot argument.


  5. You know, it sometimes takes us a week or so to get all the shipping documents ready for the presentation and negotiation.


  6. The argument bureau of ShunZhi wrote the glorious page in the history book of China's modern history though it had a certain of limits.


  7. First instance was to dangerous means to sentenced to death executed immediately reported by the media led to a heated debate on the law.


  8. In a few days this question will dominate all conversations, at least in the Western world.


  9. Less than a week later, the Internet was buzzing with talk that the Finnish company was planning to go public in New York.


Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


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Xingshu Calligraphy

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Caoshu Calligraphy

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Lishu Calligraphy

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Zhuanshu Calligraphy

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Other Calligraphy

议 Calligraphy
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Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Six categories of Chinese characters

议 Liushutong characters
议 Liushutong characters
议 Liushutong characters
议 Liushutong characters
议 Liushutong characters
议 Liushutong characters

Origin of Chinese Characters

议 Seal characters

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 议
台湾 议
韩国 议

Chinese phrases(Common Phrases)

  1. 议案 yì àn

    [bill;recommendation;proposal;bills and draft resolutions] 提供会议讨论决定的提案

  2. 议程 yì chéng

    [agenda] 会议上议案讨论的程序;议事日程

  3. 议定书 yì dìng shū

    [protocol] 一种国际文件,是缔约国关于个别问题所取得的协议,通常是正式条约的修正或补充;国际会议上经过各方签字的会议记录

  4. 议和 yì hé

    [negotiate peace] 通过谈判达成终止敌对行为或停止战争

  5. 议会 yì huì

    [parliament] 某些国家的最高权力机关

  6. 议会制度 yì huì zhì dù

    [parliamentarism]具有行政和立法互相依存特性的政府体制,通常有个空衔的国家元首,而行政实权却赋予内阁, 内阁由议员组成,他们各自地和集体地对议会负责

  7. 议价 yì jià

  8. 议价 yì jià

  9. 议决 yì jué

    [resolve after deliberation;pass a resolution] 讨论后作出决定

  10. 议论 yì lùn

  11. 议论 yì lùn

  12. 议事 yì shì

    [discuss official business] 商讨官方的事务;商议公事

  13. 议题 yì tí

    [subject under discussion;topic for discussion] 会议讨论的题目

  14. 议席 yì xí

    [seat in a legislative assembly] 议会中议员的席位

  15. 议员 yì yuán

    [member of parliament(MP);assembly man;congressman] 在议会中有正式代表资格,享有表决权的成员

  16. 议院 yì yuàn

    [Parliament] 议会

Explain characters(Explicate)


  1. (形声。从言,义声。本义:商议,讨论)

  2. 同本义 [discuss;exchange views on;talk over]






  3. 又如:议计(商议合计);议妥(商量妥当);议婚(商谈联姻之事)

  4. 评议是非 [comment on]


  5. 又如:议勋(评议功勋);议语(谈论)

  6. 选择 [select;choose]


  7. 又如:议才(选拔人才)

  8. 议处;议罪 [consider and punish;discuss a crime]


  9. 又如:议状(论罪定刑的文书);议处(清制对有过失的官吏,交吏部拟定处罚办法);议惩(评议罪刑给予惩处);议刑(议罪以定刑)

  10. 议论,特指议论政事 [comment;talk over]



  11. 通“仪”( yí)。忖度 [conjecture]





  1. 意见、看法、判断或评价 [opinion;view]


  2. 又如:议计(意见和计策);议论风生(比喻能言善道,语辞生动有味)