Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke3
Character Stroke6Structure左右结构
Orthography形声;左形右声WuBi 86rtan
WuBi 96rtanCang JieqhpSiJiao52014
Five ElementHSK Grade乙级Frequently-used常用
Fore Aft扌乇Components扌丿七
UnicodeU+6258Variant Character拓扽讬乇

Stroke Number:121315

Stroke Writing:横竖横撇横折




Basic ExplanationExample Sentence

  1. 用手掌承着东西:两手~着下巴。

  2. 陪衬,铺垫:衬~。烘~。

  3. 承着器物的东西:~盘。

  4. 寄,暂放:~身,~售。~儿所。

  5. 请求、帮助:请~。恳~。

  6. 借故推诿躲避:推~。假~。

  7. 依赖:~福。~庇。

  8. 委任:~付。委~。

  9. 压强单位。

Example Sentence
  1. Wanting to talk, Tito once stood before a mirror pleading for his mouth to move. "All his image did was stare back, " he wrote.


  2. As Kratos made his way past the Desert of Lost Souls, he finds a horn and blows through it, causing Kronos to begin crawling toward him.


  3. He exudes both competence and self-contained charisma, and has been called a "rock star" by one PR executive who used to work with him.


  4. With the end of the war, the times are changing, and as much as Don Vito seems in control at the wedding, his power is beginning to erode.


  5. "The sun will come up in the West before Victor Triumph tells a lie! " I said. I was seated, pulling on my high-heeled boots.


  6. One of the most famous American painters of his generation, Cy Twombly, has died at the age of 83.


  7. Alexander Torshin, a deputy speaker of the Russian parliament's upper house, said he thought the damage would be limited.


  8. His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, no more than one or two feet thick.


  9. Now one of the first tasks for fans' ­ favourite Kenny Dalglish will be to help an out-of-sorts Torres ­ recapture his form.


Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


Kaishu Calligraphy

托 Kaishu Calligraphy
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李璧碑-楷书: 托

Xingshu Calligraphy

托 Xingshu Calligraphy
龚贤-行书: 托
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赵孟頫-行书: 托
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Caoshu Calligraphy

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鲜于枢-草书: 托
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草书韵会-草书: 托
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米芾-草书: 托
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Lishu Calligraphy

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Zhuanshu Calligraphy

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吴大澄-篆书: 托

Other Calligraphy

托 Calligraphy
清 赵之谦《篆书许氏说文叙册》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
晋 王献之小楷《洛神赋十三行》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
明 徐渭《行书白燕诗轴》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
宋 米芾 《蜀素帖》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
宋 米芾 《复官帖》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
唐 李怀琳 草书《嵇康与山巨源绝交书》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
唐 李世民《晋祠铭》-碑帖: 托
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唐 怀仁《集王羲之圣教序》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
唐 孙过庭 《书谱》-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
兰亭序(冯承素摹本)-碑帖: 托
托 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫《前后赤壁赋》-碑帖: 托

Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

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Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Origin of Chinese Characters

托 Seal characters

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 托
台湾 托
香港 托
日本 托
韩国 托
旧字形 托

Chinese phrases(Common Phrases)

  1. 托庇 tuō bì

    [rely upon one's elder or influential person for protection;seek the protection of] 依仗他人权势的荫庇

  2. 托病 tuō bìng

    [plead illness] 假托有病


  3. 托词 tuō cí

    [find (give) a pretext;make an excuse] 找借口


  4. 托词,托辞

  5. 托地 tuō dì

    [suddenly] 突然;猛然


  6. 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ

    [nursery;creche] 用于照顾和培养婴幼儿的地方;公共场所中因父母不在而由受过训练的服务人员临时照顾孩子们的房间或地方

  7. 托尔斯泰 tuō ěr sī tài

    [Tolstoy,Lev (或 Leo) Nikolaevich] (1828-1910) 俄国作家、道德思想家、改革家,代表作品有《战争与和平》、《安娜.卡列尼娜》、《复活》等

  8. 托福 tuō fú

  9. 托福 tuō fú

  10. 托付 tuō fù

    [trust;entrust;commit to sb.'s care] 交付;委托


  11. 托孤 tuō gū

    [entrust an orphan to (a friend's relative,etc.)] 以遗孤相托

  12. 托故 tuō gù

    [give (or find) a pretext] 推托于某种原因

  13. 托管 tuō guǎn

    [deposit;trustship] 由联合国委托一个或几个会员国在其监督下管理还未获得自治权的地区

  14. 托疾 tuō jí

    [plead illness] 称病推托

  15. 托架 tuō jià

    [carriage;bracket] 装载重物的装轮子的支架

  16. 托靠 tuō kào

    [depend on] 依靠


  17. 托拉斯 tuō lā sī

    [trust] 某些国家生产同类产品或生产上有密切关系的企业的联合组织,参加的企业要服从总部的领导

  18. 托赖 tuō lài

    [rely on one's elder or an influential person for protection] 依仗长辈或权势的保护(多见于早期白话)

  19. 托落 tuō luò

    [be down and cast;be in dire straits] 孤独不遇。又写作托落、落托、落拓。

    孤危托落。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

  20. 托门子 tuō mén zǐ

    [ask an influential person to help arrange sth.] 找门路说情以达目的


  21. 托梦 tuō mèng

    [(of the ghost of one's kith and kin) appear in one's dream and make a request] 梦中显现已逝之人的形象并有所吩咐(带有迷信色彩)

  22. 托名 tuō míng

    [pseudonym; do sth. in sb. else's name] 假托他人的姓名,借以抬高自己

  23. 托盘 tuō pán

    [serving tray] 盛碗碟之盘子,多为长方形,木制或金属制

  24. 托人情 tuō rén qíng

    [ask an influential person to help arrange sth.;ask sb. to put in a good word for one;seek the good office of sb.] 请人说情。也说托情


  25. 托生 tuō shēng

    [incarnation;be reincarnated in a new body] 指人或牲畜死后转世投胎,是迷信说法

  26. 托始 tuō shǐ

    [origin] 即託始,借一事作为叙事的开端,即起源。

    託始于虞夏。-- 蔡元培《图画》

  27. 托熟 tuō shú

    [not bother about etiquette for being an intimate acquaintance with the other;on the ground that sb. is a familiar friend] 以熟人自居而不拘礼节

  28. 托幼 tuō yòu

    [nursery and kindergarten] 幼儿园、托儿所的合称


  29. 托运 tuō yùn

    [invoice;consign for shipment] 委托交通部门运送行李货物等


  30. 托嘱 tuō zhǔ

    [entrust] 嘱托;嘱咐

Explain characters(Explicate)


  1. 推。同“拓” [push]



  2. 用手掌附着或承着 [hold in the palm]。如:托钵(手托钵盂。指斋人赴斋堂吃饭或向施主乞食。钵,意为应器。比丘的食器);托着盘子;托着下巴;两手托腮

  3. 泛指承托。支持使稳定在某一高度的位置[support]。如:托架(支撑重物的架子)

  4. 用作…的衬里 [line]。如:托一层纸


  1. 承托某些器物的座儿 [pad]。如:茶托;花托儿;盏托;托子(承物的器具。即承盘。也叫托儿)

  2. 安装步枪、猎枪的枪筒、接受器和其他装置的木头制作的供端起来瞄准射击的部件 [stock]。如:枪托

  3. 压力单位 [torr],等于1333.2巴,为0°C和标准重力下1毫米汞柱的压力


  1. (形声。左形,右声。本字是“乇”( zhé),小篆字形,象形。象初生的嫩芽,“一”表地面,枝叶有根,有所寄托。后加“手”作“托”。汉字简化后,“托”又兼代“託”字。本义:寄托)

  2. 同本义 [entrust to the care of sb.;commit sth. to sb.'s care]







  3. 又如:托身(寄身);托心(寄托心意);托情(寄情);托意(寄托心意);托言(寄托言辞);托附(寄托,依附);托宿(寄宿);托食(寄食)

  4. 交付委托 [entrust; trust]



    家书一箧托焉。——清· 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

    将身后托汝。——清· 袁枚《祭妹文》

  5. 又如:托实(托重于人;不客气);托命(托寄生命);托音(寄托音信);托意(借事物以寄托感情);托体(委身。委托身体);托附(委任,受托);托始(托事而有所起始。后来也称开始为托始);托寄(委托,交付)

  6. 假托 [言辞、 理由] [pretext]




    托于柑以讽。——明· 刘基《卖柑者言》

  7. 又如:托言(借口);托病不来;托天(假托天命);托事(假藉事故);托善(假托美善);托讽(藉事物以为讽喻);托寓(藉以寓意);托之空言(无事实为证的言论)

  8. 依靠;凭借 [rely on]。如:托庇粗安(托人福庇,过着清闲而安适的生活);托足(立足;容身);托大(托身于高位而不被世俗纠纷所纠缠);托名(依托他人高名,借以显扬己名);托承(依附承受);托援(依托而得到帮助)

  9. 请求 [ask;request]。如:托人;托你一件事