Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke2
Character Stroke5Structure半包围结构
Orthography形声WuBi 86thi
WuBi 96thiCang JieheoSiJiao23400
Five ElementHSK Grade甲级Frequently-used常用
Fore Aft夂卜Components夂人
UnicodeU+5904Variant Character処 處 䖏 𠁅 𩂫

Stroke Number:35424

Stroke Writing:撇折捺竖捺

chú chù


Basic ExplanationExample Sentence

1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]

处 [chǔ]
  1. 居住:穴居野~。

  2. 存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。

  3. 跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。

  4. 决定,决断:~理。

  5. 对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。

  6. 止,隐退:~暑。

处 [chù]
  1. 地方:~~。~所。

  2. 点,部分:长(cháng )~。好~。

  3. 机关,或机关、团体、单位里的部门:办事~。筹备~。

Example Sentence
  1. And the fact that this girl is willing to forgive and forget all that you've done and said to her just proves how wrong you guys are!


  2. What's different about this book is that it turns all we think we know about the interplay between the Group of Two on its head.


  3. What was happening back in the late 1990s is clearly part of an evolution, and where we are at today may in fact be very different.


  4. We tramped and climb around all over it, and by and by found a good big cavern in the rock, most up to the top on the side towards Illinois.


  5. Parents are demanding that the school put a gate at the entrance to the playground to protect the children from running into the road .


  6. The charm of Britain has always been the ease with which one can move into the middle classes.


  7. All the grief always leaves a joy to a clue, all sorry they leave a place in the corner of the perfect.


  8. To provide support and a sense of security to its residents, the Baltimore police department has a special Jewish Liaison.


  9. Police raiding home in Britain arrests Somali man believe to be one of fugitive bombers in last week's fail in London transit system.


Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


Kaishu Calligraphy

处 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 处
处 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 处
处 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 处
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褚遂良-楷书: 处
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苏轼-楷书: 处
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王知敬-楷书: 处
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王献之-楷书: 处
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王献之-楷书: 处
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牛橛造像-楷书: 处

Xingshu Calligraphy

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黄庭坚-行书: 处
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黄庭坚-行书: 处
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韩天寿-行书: 处
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陈淳-行书: 处
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陆游-行书: 处
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钟繇-行书: 处
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郑孝胥-行书: 处
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赵孟頫-行书: 处
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赵孟頫-行书: 处
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许梦丰-行书: 处
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董其昌-行书: 处
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范成大-行书: 处
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苏轼-行书: 处
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苏轼-行书: 处
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维则-行书: 处
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米芾-行书: 处
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米芾-行书: 处
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王铎-行书: 处
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王铎-行书: 处
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王铎-行书: 处
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王羲之-行书: 处
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王羲之-行书: 处
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王羲之-行书: 处
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唐寅-行书: 处
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唐寅-行书: 处
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刘基-行书: 处

Caoshu Calligraphy

处 Caoshu Calligraphy
黄慎-草书: 处
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邢慈静-草书: 处
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赵构-草书: 处
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赵慎-草书: 处
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赵子昂-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
赵佶-草书: 处
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薛绍彭-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
薛绍彭-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
董其昌-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
萧衍-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
米芾-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
王铎-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
王铎-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
王羲之-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
王宠-草书: 处
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王宠-草书: 处
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毛泽东-草书: 处
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李怀琳-草书: 处
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智永-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
智永-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
智永-草书: 处
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怀素-草书: 处
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怀素-草书: 处
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徐渭-草书: 处
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徐伯清-草书: 处
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徐伯清-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
徐伯清-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
归庄-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
张瑞图-草书: 处
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张弼-草书: 处
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孙过庭-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
倪元璐-草书: 处
处 Caoshu Calligraphy
俞和-草书: 处

Lishu Calligraphy

处 Lishu Calligraphy
马王堆帛书-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
马王堆帛书-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
马王堆帛书-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
邓石如-隶书: 处
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衡方碑-隶书: 处
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礼器碑-隶书: 处
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泰山金刚经-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
桐柏庙碑-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
桂馥-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
曹全碑-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
曹全碑-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
徐三庚-隶书: 处
处 Lishu Calligraphy
唐玄宗-隶书: 处

Zhuanshu Calligraphy

处 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
赵之谦-篆书: 处
处 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
莫友芝-篆书: 处
处 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
石鼓文-篆书: 处

Other Calligraphy

处 Calligraphy
隋 智永 《真草千字文》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
隋 智永 《真草千字文》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
邓石如《篆书字帖》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
清 赵之谦《篆书铙歌册》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
汉 《曹全碑》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
晋《爨宝子碑》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
晋 王献之小楷《洛神赋十三行》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
明 王铎《行书李贺诗帖》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
明 王铎《草书诗卷》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
明 王铎《五律诗行书立轴》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
明 唐寅《落花诗册》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
宋 黄庭坚《题苏轼寒食帖跋》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
宋 米芾 《韩马帖》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
宋 米芾 《粮院帖》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
宋 米芾 《珊瑚帖》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 颜真卿《颜勤礼碑》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 颜真卿《多宝塔碑》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 钟绍京《灵飞经》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 柳公权《玄秘塔碑》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 李邕《云麾将军碑》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 怀素 《自叙帖》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 怀仁《集王羲之圣教序》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
唐 孙过庭 《书谱》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫《烟江叠嶂图诗卷》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫《前后赤壁赋》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫《仇锷墓志铭》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫《仇锷墓志铭》-碑帖: 处
处 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫 《玄妙观重修三门记》-碑帖: 处

Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Six categories of Chinese characters

处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters
处 Liushutong characters

Origin of Chinese Characters

处 Seal characters

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 处
台湾 处
韩国 处

Chinese phrases(Common Phrases)

1. 处 [chǔ]

处 [chǔ]
  1. 处罚 chǔ fá

    [punish;sentence;penalize] 依据法令规章,加以惩罚,即使犯错误或犯罪的人受到政治或经济上的损失而有所警戒


  2. 处方 chǔ fāng

    [prescription;prescribe] 所开的药方

  3. 处分 chǔ fèn

    [take disciplinary action against;punish;punishment]

  4. 处境 chǔ jìng



  5. 处决 chǔ jué

    [put to death;execute;bring one before the firing squad]∶依法依照命令执行死刑


  6. 处理 chǔ lǐ

    [handle;deal with;dispose of;manage;tackle]∶处置;安排;料理


  7. 处女 chǔ nǚ


  8. 处世 chǔ shì

    [conduct oneself in society] 待人接物,应付世情;与世人相处交往


  9. 处暑 chǔ shǔ

    [the Limit of Heat(14th solar term)] 我国二十四节气中居于立秋之后、白露之前的一个节气名,在8月22、23或24日

  10. 处死 chǔ sǐ

    [put to death]∶处以死刑,结束一个人的生命


  11. 处心积虑 chǔ xīn jī lǜ


  12. 处刑 chǔ xíng

    [sentence;condemn;punish] 依法对罪犯判处相当的刑罚

  13. 处于 chǔ yú

    [be (in a certain condition);stand in;find oneself in] 居于某种地位或状态


  14. 处之泰然 chǔ zhī tài rán


  15. 处置 chǔ zhì

    [handle;deal with;dispose of;take charge of]∶分别事理,使各得其所


  16. 处处 chǔ chù



  17. 处所 chù suǒ

    [place;location] 居住的地方;地点

Explain characters(Explicate)

1. 处 [chǔ]

处 [chǔ]


  1. 定,常 [steady]



  2. 另见 chù

  3. 處、処 chù


  1. 处所;地方。人或物所在的地方 [location;place]







  2. 又如:住处;别处;停车处

  3. 部分;方面 [part;point]。如:好处;益处

  4. 行政机关或行政机关里的一级单位、一个部门 [department;section]。如:业务处;办事处;政策处

  5. 另见 chǔ