Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke4
Character Stroke9Structure左右结构
Orthography形声;从鸟、区声WuBi 86aqqg
WuBi 96arqgCang JieskpymSiJiao77727
Five ElementHSK GradeFrequently-used次常用
Fore Aft区鸟Components匚乂鸟
UnicodeU+9E25Variant Character鷗 䳼 𩀫

Stroke Number:134535451

Stroke Writing:横撇捺折撇折捺折横





Basic ExplanationExample Sentence

  1. 鸟类的一科,羽毛多为白色,嘴扁平,前趾有蹼,翼长而尖。生活在湖海上,捕食鱼、螺等:海~。~盟(与鸥鸟为友,借指退隐)。

Example Sentence
  1. Shame then, as the C111 was not only cool, but it also featured gull-wing doors, which, as you know, are the greatest invention by man.


  2. The handsome robber, El Gallo, offers to take her with him to see the world.


  3. Fletcher shook his head and stretched his wings and opened his eyes at the base of the cliff, in the center of the whole Flock assembled.


  4. A few white seagulls flicker across the surface of the sea, quickly and lightly, wings skimming the waves.


  5. Touched him with a wingtip! Brought him to life! The Son of the Great Gull!


  6. The birds appear to be following huge spiraling wind patterns in the atmosphere, avoiding flying into the wind, he said.


  7. For you to listen to me, my words, often into a thin, silver gulls at the beach on the footprints.


  8. In his time, the reform carried out in Europe was being copied, but in many respects this copy was merely superficially reformative.


  9. As Kitty's popularity grew, Sanrio took her to the airwaves, with a series of animated television shows.


Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


Kaishu Calligraphy

鸥 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 鸥
鸥 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 鸥
鸥 Kaishu Calligraphy
陈基-楷书: 鸥

Xingshu Calligraphy

鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
黄庭坚-行书: 鸥
鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
陈基-行书: 鸥
鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
薛绍彭-行书: 鸥
鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
薛绍彭-行书: 鸥
鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
王文治-行书: 鸥
鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
明人-行书: 鸥
鸥 Xingshu Calligraphy
敬世江-行书: 鸥

Caoshu Calligraphy

鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
董其昌-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
王铎-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
王铎-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
王铎-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
王守仁-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
王守仁-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
朱耷-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
文征明-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
敬世江-草书: 鸥
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怀素-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
徐伯清-草书: 鸥
鸥 Caoshu Calligraphy
叶清臣-草书: 鸥

Lishu Calligraphy

鸥 Lishu Calligraphy
邓石如-隶书: 鸥
鸥 Lishu Calligraphy
奚冈-隶书: 鸥

Zhuanshu Calligraphy

鸥 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
邓石如-篆书: 鸥
鸥 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
吴让之-篆书: 鸥

Other Calligraphy

鸥 Calligraphy
明 王铎《香山寺作五律诗轴》-碑帖: 鸥
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明 王铎《赠张抱一草书诗卷》-碑帖: 鸥
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明 王铎《草书诗卷》-碑帖: 鸥
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明 张瑞图《行书杜甫五律诗轴》-碑帖: 鸥
鸥 Calligraphy
宋 薛绍彭《云顶山诗等杂书卷》-碑帖: 鸥

Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Six categories of Chinese characters

鸥 Liushutong characters
鸥 Liushutong characters

Origin of Chinese Characters

鸥 Seal characters

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 鸥
台湾 鸥
韩国 鸥

Explain characters(Explicate)


  1. (形声。从鸟,区( ōu)声。《说文》:“水鸮也。”本义:水鸮)

  2. 水鸟名 [gull]

    惊起一滩鸥鹭。——宋· 李清照《如梦令》

    鸥鹭灭没。——宋· 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  3. 鸥科(Laridae)。此类鸟善飞,能游水,常随潮而翔,有海鸥、银鸥、燕鸥等种类。为长翼蹼足水鸟,形体较大,身体较粗壮,喙较厚,喙端略呈弯钩状,通常呆在岸边或内陆水域附近,是港口重要的食腐动物 。如:鸥汀(群鸥栖息的沙洲);鸥没(鸥鸟没入水中);鸥眠(鸥鸟息眠);鸥鹭忘机(指人无机心,鸥鸟也能和其相亲近);鸥水相依(比喻离不开赖以生存的环境);鸥闲(鸥鸟悠闲自在)

  4. [动]∶比喻隐居 [withdraw from society and live in solitude]。如:鸥没(鸥鸟逍遥飞翔于水面。比喻隐居者生活的悠闲自在);鸥盟(与鸥为友。指隐居江湖);鸥社(同“鸥盟”);鸥梦(隐居的志趣);鸥情(退隐者的心情)