Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke5
Character Stroke7Structure左右结构
Orthography WuBi 86fcjh
WuBi 96fcjhCang JiegilnSiJiao42700
Five ElementHSK GradeFrequently-used0
Fore AftComponents
UnicodeU+5226Variant Character

Stroke Number:1215422


Basic ExplanationExample Sentence

  1. 同“劫”。

Example Sentence
  1. 网络
  2. jehh;gilmi;rxb

Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


Kaishu Calligraphy

刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
赵孟頫-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
褚遂良-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
画图赞文-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
欧阳通-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
柳公权-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
太妃侯造像-楷书: 劫
刦 Kaishu Calligraphy
唐寅-楷书: 劫

Xingshu Calligraphy

刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
黄庭坚-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
陆游-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
赵孟頫-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
王蒙-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
敬世江-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
徐渭-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
唐寅-行书: 劫
刦 Xingshu Calligraphy
吴昌硕-行书: 劫

Caoshu Calligraphy

刦 Caoshu Calligraphy
祝枝山-草书: 劫
刦 Caoshu Calligraphy
皇象-草书: 劫
刦 Caoshu Calligraphy
毛泽东-草书: 劫
刦 Caoshu Calligraphy
敬世江-草书: 劫
刦 Caoshu Calligraphy
徐伯清-草书: 劫

Lishu Calligraphy

刦 Lishu Calligraphy
顾蔼吉-隶书: 劫
刦 Lishu Calligraphy
隶辨-隶书: 劫

Zhuanshu Calligraphy

刦 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
马国权-篆书: 劫
刦 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
说文解字-篆书: 劫

Other Calligraphy

刦 Calligraphy
清 赵之谦《楷书南唐四百九十六字册》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
清 吴昌硕《行书五言诗》轴-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
明 王铎 《菊潭纂峨眉山纪诗》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
明 唐寅《落花诗册》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
宋 黄庭坚《庞居士寒山子诗》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
唐 颜真卿《多宝塔碑》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
唐 钟绍京《灵飞经》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
唐 柳公权《玄秘塔碑》-碑帖: 劫
刦 Calligraphy
唐 怀仁《集王羲之圣教序》-碑帖: 劫

Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 刦
台湾 刦
韩国 刦
旧字形 刦