Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke4
Character Stroke10Structure上下结构
Orthography WuBi 86tyhu
WuBi 96tyhuCang JiehyySiJiao88230
Five ElementHSK GradeFrequently-used0
Fore AftComponents
UnicodeU+7B07Variant Character

Stroke Number:3143144124


Basic Explanation

  1. 古同“算”:“上方与晁错调兵~军食。”

  2. 竹器。

  3. 姓。

Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


Kaishu Calligraphy

笇 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 算
笇 Kaishu Calligraphy
虞世南-楷书: 算
笇 Kaishu Calligraphy
祝枝山-楷书: 算
笇 Kaishu Calligraphy
祝枝山-楷书: 算

Xingshu Calligraphy

笇 Xingshu Calligraphy
黄仲则-行书: 算
笇 Xingshu Calligraphy
董其昌-行书: 算
笇 Xingshu Calligraphy
祝枝山-行书: 算
笇 Xingshu Calligraphy
王铎-行书: 算
笇 Xingshu Calligraphy
敬世江-行书: 算
笇 Xingshu Calligraphy
吴琚-行书: 算

Caoshu Calligraphy

笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
赵子昂-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
米元章-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
皇象-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
毛泽东-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
李世民-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
敬世江-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
徐伯清-草书: 算
笇 Caoshu Calligraphy
佚名-草书: 算

Lishu Calligraphy

笇 Lishu Calligraphy
马王堆帛书-隶书: 算

Zhuanshu Calligraphy

笇 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
说文解字-篆书: 算

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Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

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Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 笇
台湾 笇
日本 笇
韩国 笇
旧字形 笇