Character AttributesStroke Order

RadicalsRadicals Stroke6
Character Stroke9Structure上下结构
OrthographyWuBi 86gmfu
WuBi 96gmfuCang JiejwdiSiJiao50346
Five ElementHSK GradeFrequently-used0
Fore AftComponents
UnicodeU+5C02Variant Character

Stroke Number:125112124


Basic Explanation

  1. 古同“专”。

Chinese Calligraphy Art of Good Dictionary


Kaishu Calligraphy

専 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 专
専 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 专
専 Kaishu Calligraphy
颜真卿-楷书: 专
専 Kaishu Calligraphy
虞世南-楷书: 专
専 Kaishu Calligraphy
狄知孙残碑-楷书: 专
専 Kaishu Calligraphy
敬使君碑-楷书: 专

Xingshu Calligraphy

専 Xingshu Calligraphy
赵雍-行书: 专
専 Xingshu Calligraphy
米芾-行书: 专
専 Xingshu Calligraphy
李邕-行书: 专
専 Xingshu Calligraphy
敬世江-行书: 专

Caoshu Calligraphy

専 Caoshu Calligraphy
韩道亨-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
蔡襄-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
毛泽东-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
李世民-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
敬世江-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
康里子山-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
孙过庭-草书: 专
専 Caoshu Calligraphy
孙过庭-草书: 专

Lishu Calligraphy

専 Lishu Calligraphy
马王堆帛书-隶书: 专
専 Lishu Calligraphy
马王堆帛书-隶书: 专
専 Lishu Calligraphy
杨统碑-隶书: 专
専 Lishu Calligraphy
李隆基-隶书: 专
専 Lishu Calligraphy
吴睿-隶书: 专

Zhuanshu Calligraphy

専 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
吴让之-篆书: 专
専 Zhuanshu Calligraphy
会稽刻石-篆书: 专

Other Calligraphy

専 Calligraphy
唐人摹刻 秦 李斯《峄山刻石》-碑帖: 专
専 Calligraphy
唐 颜真卿《颜勤礼碑》-碑帖: 专
専 Calligraphy
唐 颜真卿《颜勤礼碑》-碑帖: 专
専 Calligraphy
唐 颜真卿 《自书告身帖》-碑帖: 专
専 Calligraphy
唐 孙过庭 《书谱》-碑帖: 专
専 Calligraphy
元 赵孟頫《仇锷墓志铭》-碑帖: 专

Chinese Etymology(Chinese character history and ancient Chinaese character)

Oracle charactersBronze charactersLiushutong charactersSeal characters

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Good dictionary did not find the relevant information of the Chinese character .

Comparison of characters(Glyph Contrast)

中国大陆 専
台湾 専
日本 専
韩国 専
旧字形 専